The patented INOXSIGN holding system for house numbers and signs
Installation of signage on rough outdoor surfaces
In order to mount our modern room numbers and information signs easily, quickly and above all "invisibly" for the viewer, we have developed the INOXSIGN holding system.
This system makes it very easy to install signage with a distance of 10mm or 2mm from the wall. This favours the formation of a shadow gap, which increases the contrast and visibility of the house number or sign.
Our holding system makes it possible to mount signage on almost any surface - such as stone, plaster or wood. The holding system is especially designed for outdoor use.

Application and assembly:
1 / Hold the drilling template against the wall and fix it with slightly adhesive tape if necessary. The holes to be drilled in the wall can be freely selected along the contour of the house number or sign ( = the lines drawn on the mounting template).
- House number plates: drill 2 holes (ø5.0mm and 30mm deep)
- Information signs: Drill 4 holes (ø5.0mm and 30mm deep)

2 / Drive the enclosed dowels into the holes. Then hammer the enclosed retaining anchors into the dowels as far as they will go.

3 / Bend the heads of the holding anchors by 90 degrees with pliers.

4 / Determine distance:
- Do you want to mount the sign at a distance of 10mm from the wall? Dann fahren Sie direkt mit Schritt 5 fort.
- Do you want to mount the sign flush (=distance of 2mm) on the wall? Then hammer the retaining anchor into the dowel with a hammer until the retaining surface is flush with the wall.
5 / Stick the enclosed adhesive dots onto the round holding surface of the holding anchors and then remove the upper protective foil of the adhesive dots.

6 / Finally, connect the house number or sign to the retaining anchors. To do this, press the number or sign firmly onto the holding anchors with the adhesive dots for 10 seconds.

Our holding system comes standard with all INOXSIGN house numbers and can also be supplied on request for our room numbers as well as our WC and information signs - whether stainless steel, brass or vintage - can be supplied.
The holding system is not suitable for mounting on plasterboards with a material thickness of less than 35mm.